Shucking Competition Registration


Please complete the application and submit prior to OysterFest. Same day registrations are also accepted.

Registration Information:

15.00 per person

Only one fee is required to participate in both Speed and Half-Shell competition.

Reserve space at the Shucking Table!

Please complete the application and submit prior to OysterFest. Same day registrations are also accepted.

Registration Information:

15.00 per person

Only one fee is required to participate in both Speed and Half-Shell competition.

Please complete the application and submit prior to OysterFest. Same day registrations are also accepted.

Registration Information:

15.00 per person

Only one fee is required to participate in both Speed and Half-Shell competition.

Please complete the application and submit prior to OysterFest. It is necessary to determine the number of participants so that heats can be determined prior to the contest.

Registration Information:

On or before September 23: Early Bird Entry Fee $15/person

On or after September 24: Entry Fee $30/person

Only one fee is required to participate in both Speed and Half-Shell competition.